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Radha Govind Bhakti Yog Mandir
  • Radha Govind Bhakti Yog Mandir

Sushri Rameshwari Devi - Biography

  • Rameshwari Devi

Sushri Rameshwari Devi, a disciple of Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, born in India into a religious Hindu Brahmin family, was raised and educated in Canada. Didi Ji was spiritually inclined right from early childhood. It was at a very young age, as she was studying in University, that she met her supreme spiritual master.

A unique even occurred in Didi Ji’s life, when her parents insisted that she get married in the world and continue practicing devotion to God. Respecting the family’s wishes, Didi Ji had a deity of God, in the form of Lord Krishna, brought from India and agreed for marriage. The family performed a traditional Hindu marriage ceremony with Lord Krishna Deity, by a Hindu priest in the presence of
relatives and devotees, with all the proper rites and rituals.

Eventually, Didi Ji’s tremendous & unwavering love for God and Guru intensified to such an extent that it inspired her Guru to initiate Didi Ji into ‘Sanyas’ order, and spread the message of Sanatan Vedic Dharm. Didi Ji received direct guidance and training from her Spiritual Master, in scriptural knowledge as well as music. Didi Ji spent several years in the ashram, studying intensively the intricate secrets of the eternal Vedic Scriptures, and learning Sanskrit Shlokas.

For the spiritual well-being of humanity, though based mainly in U.S. and Canada, Didi Ji now travels tirelessly throughout the year, all over the world, inspiring souls from all walks of life, on the path of ‘Raganuga Bhakti’, ie. natural devotion to God. Didi Ji’s eloquent style of speaking and simplifying the complex knowledge of the Vedas, while quoting Sanskrit shlokas from numerous scriptures; Her enchanting voice as she sings Bhajans, forcibly captures the hearts of true seekers, drenching them in the nectar of divine bliss, and leading them to their ultimate goal.

Didi Ji is going to lead a series of meetings on the occasion of 2nd anniversary of the Mandir's opening from October 2nd to October 6th in Radha Govind Bhakti Yog Mandir. The topic of the program is "Bhakti Yog - Path of Love & Devotion to Shri Radha-Krishna".

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