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Radha Govind Bhakti Yog Mandir
  • Radha Govind Bhakti Yog Mandir


Meetings are held at the Radha Govind Bhakti Yog Mandir

Satsang - the service takes place once a week on Sundays at 11:00.

Meditation - while singing the Names of God, on Saturdays from 16:00 to 18:00.



11:00Start of the service - Prayer 
Prayer - a text in Hindi in which we turn to Sri Krishna, talking about our greatest desire in this life, receiving Divine Love.
11:05Meditation while singing the Names of God
11:20Lecture Video
Lecture by our Masters in English or Hindi with translation or commentary in Polish
11:50Meditation while singing the Names of God
12:00Arti i Homage 
By chanting Arti, we surrender to Radha-Krishna, Sita-Ram and the Master. When we describe their appearance and behavior, we imagine that we are with them. After Arti, Homage - a tribute to the Master is sung.
A symbolic meal which, after being offered to Radha-Krishna, Sita-Ram and the Master, is distributed among the devotees
14:30End of the meeting


16:00Meditation while singing the Names of God
18:00End of the meeting