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Radha Govind Bhakti Yog Mandir
  • Our Philosophy


  • The Vision of the Godhead
The Vision of the Godhead

The book provides a condensed guide for those interested in the Philosophy of God. It presents in a simple way the practical features of the physical world and the spiritual world. It explains the path to God free from obstacles and problems. The following facts take the interested person into the interior of his own Spiritual personality yearning to find his Spiritual Beloved.

Janmashtami, 1983, New York

  • Bóg, Dusza, Wszechświat
God, Soul, Universe

Radha Madhav Dham 
29 April 2007

  • wyklad 2-1
What is love (part 1)

29 May 2007

  • wyklad 2-2
What is love (part 2)

30 May 2007

  • Who is Radha
Who is Shri Radha

by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj