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Radha Govind Bhakti Yog Mandir
  • Radha Govind Bhakti Yog Mandir

Mark Pasula has passed away

  • Mark Pasula

With deep sadness, we must inform you about the passing of Mr. Marek Pasula, president of the Radha Govind Society of Poland and founder of the Radha Govind Bhakti Yog Mandir Temple. Mr. Pasula died on the special day of Bhagwan Ram's birthday - Ram Navami (17 April 2024), in a hospital in Warsaw. He was one of the first in the west and a very close devotee of Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj and devoted his entire life to propagating the words of Shree Maharaj Ji in Poland and the USA. His leadership, determination and deep devotion led to the creation of the Radha Govind Bhakti Yog Mandir Temple in Brzegi near Krakow, and thanks to him, hundreds, if not thousands, of people had the opportunity to learn the deepest aspects of Hindu philosophy described in the sacred Vedic scriptures. Always smiling, always friendly, he was like a foster father to our entire organization and with his departure he left a void in our hearts that is difficult to fill.